A funded PhD studentship is available to work within a dynamic research programme investigating the causes and epidemiology of Acute Oak Decline (AOD), a disease syndrome affecting Britain’s most iconic native broadleaved tree. This fascinating but complex disease involves interactions between the host tree, bacteria and a buprestid beetle, as well as a range of abiotic environmental factors. This multidisciplinary PhD project will combine aspects of entomology, pathology and molecular biology to address one of the key outstanding questions in AOD research, the mechanisms by which Acute Oak Decline is spread between trees.
The PhD will be based at Forest Research, Surrey, U.K. and registered with Harper Adams University. Co-supervisors will be Dr Daegan Inward (FR) and Prof. Simon Leather (HA).
Details are available here (with a link to a project description) :
Queries may be addressed to daegan.inward@forestry.gsi.gov.uk
Closing date for applications is Friday 22 April 2016.