Dominique Rocher was invited for the 25th episode of the Arqus Knowledge Pills

Dominique Rocher was invited for the 25th episode of the Arqus Knowledge Pills How can bioplastics contribute to a more sustainable future?”. Dominique is an Arqus Talent Fund scholarship awardee and researcher in Microbiology & Environmental Science and co-founder of Urobo and whose project has been recently selected in South Africa and COP28 in Dubai. In this episode, the importance of bioplastics in mitigating the plastic pollution crisis was discussed.

Dominique Rocher is one of the PhD students awarded the Arqus Talent Scholarship Fund designed to attract and retain talent at the postgraduate level from around the world. Thanks to this initiative, together with Wessel Myburgh, co-founder of Urobo Biotech, she will be able to develop her doctoral project at the University of Padua within the PhD in Crop Science program.

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